Spring has arrived. I can feel it in my bones. Actually I can feel it in my head with all of the pollen that seems to have accumulated there.

Along with the advent of flowers and baby geese which might take over our yard this year I am excited to see the return of the hummingbirds. I love these guys. They always amaze me.
I think we can definitely learn something from hummingbirds, don’t you? While they look like they are chaotically flying all over they have a definite purpose in their travels.
Find the food source.
Find the place where they can be fed time and time again.

Find the one place that consistently offers sustenance.

For me that source is God. He is the source of constant nourishment even when I neglect Him. He does not leave me. The hummingbirds remind me that I need to hover more closely to that source of life . I need to walk the walk a bit better. I need to fly closer to the source of the provider of all things. I need to graciously acknowledge each and every day that the chaos that is sometimes present in life can be calmed if only I realize where to direct those chaotic actions.
So today I am going to adopt the hummingbird way of life and flit to the source that makes me complete—-my loving Father in Heaven.
Please come back Monday for the tally for our Comments for a Cause for April – Ohio Guidestone and see who our May recipient will be.