It’s another edition of What’s On Your Camera Roll? Actually it is what is on MY camera roll but you get the idea. I would love to know what is on yours as well. So here we go!
First up – some great fall pictures from North Carolina.

I bought new mums for the front porch. Of course “someone” had to taste test them to make sure they were okay.
My sweet girl that does my pedicures and manicures gave me a real treat. Some fresh persimmons. Have you ever tasted them? YUMMY!
This guy was at the Artisan’s Market we went to last weekend. Skeletons are everywhere around here.
Poor Maksim is sad that it is too cold to have the doors open during the day recently. He sits by the doors and stares and stares.
The sunrises lately have been stunning. One of my favorite things about living where we live is that I can see these from my bed when I wake up in the morning. Beautiful, right?

Finally, am prepping for Micah, Wendy, Theo and Penny and three of their friends who are visiting this weekend. I spent all day cooking and baking and getting ready on Tuesday with Wednesday being cleaning day. We are very excited. It’s been awhile since we have had company and it is always fun to make food for others. Trying a new spinach lasagna recipe and hopefully it will be as yummy as it looks.

So what’s on your camera roll? Tell me in the comments and Comment for a Cause for Black Mountain Home for Children, Youth and Adults.